So, I don't know if I posted an about me post yet, but this is it. Some of my friends from back in the day know me as Jennifer De La Cruz. Or just Jen De La Cruz, reminds me of the time my friend said she heard me talking in my sleep...I must have thought I was like a female James Bond or something because I was like "My name is Jen, Jen De La Cruz" ....Any who. I'm not
Jennifer De La Cruz anymore and I haven't been for a while.
This is why ~~

Ooh La La....the Rosado/De La Cruz Wedding.... Ok ok this was so like 2005! Wow I'm getting old! =P
So yeah we got married in Arizona....HOT!!! And honey I'm not talking about you this time, although u are hot. =) Arizona was a very hot place to live. We worked there for a few years as youth pastors @ Avondale Christian Assembly Click the link to see their website.
About a year and a couple of months later we had our first boy... He is now 4.

Wow Time Flies~ Yep Our first Born~ Micah.
During this time of being new parents we also headed up a ministry called Urban Flo in Avondale, Arizona.
It was a great ministry and the very kids who were a part of it with us went with their father when he took a church in another city and now they are ministering there incredibly!
Our journey continued there in Arizona and in the meantime baby 2 was born a year and 3 months later =) He is now 3.

My little Caleb.
Yep and he was even born on my BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday to me =)
So then the next summer we moved away from Arizona to Cowtown, Colorado USA...MOOOOO! Which we really enjoyed at first because the weather was awesome...then the joy faded with tornado warnings and then a winter that just wouldn't end....ugh I hated it there! I tried though... But we actually stuck with it for 2 years.
about halfway through the second year we finally decided to make the move. It was just too hard for me to be so far away from people I knew and I needed family. I actually was starting to like
Colorado a little more since I had gotten involved teaching the toddler class and actually getting out on the weekends with a really good friend. She was awesome and I thank God for her.
Well and the story continues. We moved to New Mexico. My in-laws are here and it was middle ground. That's Marriage for ya', we needed to compromise. So here we are. We were waiting for word to see if we would be able to enter our name at a local church, but the call back was taking too long so my husband decided he might go to the Job Fair in Albuquerque. I decided to use my magic fingers and google some jobs before he drove 2 hours to a Job Fair.
What an amazing God we serve, I found a job offer for a Youth Pastor/Fine Arts Coordinator position. My hubby called them right away....like right then and there and sure enough they
said, send in your resume and we did....right then and there. Next thing we know we are getting interviewed and signing documents and everything is falling into place.
Then we had another surprise! A really GOOOOD surprise! ~~~~

And well guess what~~

The newest member of our family, about to turn 1 month in a few days... Janiah. Our girl! YAY!
We are all SO happy!

And We feel good here...scratch that, we feel AWESOME here.Right here where we are at. Our jobs. Our location and our family. I don't think we will be moving anytime soon, unless it's into a house of our own. I can't wait for that day. God is really doing great things here and we have really seen His blessings! Thank you God!
And now I am a teacher, music teacher. I'm still on leave for a few weeks so for now I'm gonna enjoy my time with my little one and soak up all of those little first moments with her. Then I only have to work about 3 weeks and we are on Summer Break! Ah, the joys of working in the school system. It's going to be awesome being off with the kids! And I owe it all to God. He is truly awesome!