We've all heard this one. And now that I'm a mommy, I can't count the times I have said this. It just seems like 2 year olds don't really care (or keep track) of how many times. Funny, because I don't think i can really remember how many times either.How many times do I have to tell you, "don't push your brother", "don't run with pencils", don't pick your nose", "don't wipe your hands on mommy's pants" etc etc.Well, I don't know about you but I was sitting here pondering the whole "how many times do i have tell you" phrase and I was thinking about how many bad habits I have yet to overcome. Because reality is that every single person has to make the choice of obeying their parents or God for that matter...Because the truth is that unless we make that decision within ourselves, then it's never gonna change. We have to take the step to decide, "I'm tired of time outs and consequences, I'm going to change this." So, whether it be picking up your socks and putting them in the hamper where they belong, or spending more quality time with your family instead of working too much, then make the choice...don't delay. A quick decision in your mind & heart can be life changing and change a whole lot of things around you! It can even change the people around you. Just like a stream of water that changes it's course will always change its surroundings.Our lives are made up of decisions. Where are you going to go to college? Who are you gonna love for the rest of your life & Marry? Are you going to have children? Are you going to work or stay home with your children? Those are just some of the common ones. And a very important decision that we all make in life: Are you going to give your life over to Christ, who gave his life for you? You see, when God made Adam, he made him free to make his own choices...he made a bad one in disobeying God's 1 command...but he was free to make that choice. I'm going to paraphrase this, but Paul says in the new testament that everything in life is permissable but not everything is beneficial. SO just because you CAN do it doesn't mean it is the right thing to do. God himself made a decision to give his Son up to die for OUR wrongs, (Wow, we are so loved) I can in no way repay God for what he did, but I'm going to do my best to try to. I will give him my whole heart, my whole life, and do all I can to make sure He is happy with who I am. Because I already know how much he loves me, I can be myself and let him shape and mold me. I hope you let him do the same in your life.