Today is such a beautiful day. I am here in Colorado. Just moved here a little over a week ago. Sometimes I can't believe I'm here. WoW. It's really beautiful but I miss my family so much. I'm not sure why God brought us here, but I can't wait to find out. I am glad that we now live in a place where my kids can actually go outside and play. You see, we used to live in Arizona. We moved here from the Phoenix area. Just a few days before I left the temperature was 102 degrees. Talk about Hot. That wasn't even a really hot day! My poor babies were stuck indoors all day long. What kind of life is that?
I remember going outside to play, finding bugs and baby quail. I also remember picking wild berries. Yum! I miss those times, where I didn't have a care in the world except for wondering which of my friends would be free to come play at my house. Those days when the stress of daily living wasn't even in my vocabulary. I so hope for those days for my children. To be free to be a kid as long as they want to be.
What's amazing is that now that I have kids I laugh way more than I used to. I'm so glad to have 2 little goofy grapes to bring me joy into my everyday life. So, every once in a while I get that little moment where I myself feel like a kid again and nothing else matters in the world but having fun.